четвъртък, 15 октомври 2009 г.


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable from the same plant family as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and others. Cauliflower head with a compact white, middle-sized six inches in diameter, which consists of undeveloped flower buds. These buds are attached to the stalk. Some flower buds are ribbed, rough, green leaves that protect them from sunlight and thus hinder the development of chlorophyll. While this process contributes to white color of most varieties of cauliflower, may be found in such light green and purple color.

Cauliflower and his predecessor, wild cabbage, kept their origin in ancient Asia Minor. Cauliflower went through many transformations and reappeared in the Mediterranean, where he became a popular vegetable in Turkey and Italy, 600 BC It accumulates and popularity in France in the mid 16th century and subsequently began to be treated in Northern Europe and British Isles. United States, France, Italy, India and China are the largest producers of cauliflower.

When buying cauliflower, it is necessary to choose a clean, creamy white, compact head, where flower buds are not separated. Cauliflower, which is blotchy or dull in color should be avoided, and that in which the small flowers appear. It is better to choose vegetables surrounded by a thick, green leaves, as it is better protected.

Storing Cauliflower

Storage of fresh cauliflower was in a paper or plastic bag in the refrigerator, where you can store up to one week. To prevent moisture in the development of color clusters, it is necessary to put cauliflower stem side down. When buying pre-cut cauliflower, it should be consumed within one or two days.

Fitohranitelni cauliflower contain substances that are smelly sulfur compounds released when heated. Smell, which is given a more severe with increasing cooking time. To reduce the odor and to maintain texture with fresh vegetables, cauliflower is necessary to prepare for a short time.

Some of these sulfur compounds can react with iron contained in the crockery and yield of cauliflower brownish color. To prevent this, you need to add a little lemon juice in water in which cauliflower is milled.

Cauliflower contains goytrogeni, natural substances in some foods that may affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. People with already existing and untreated thyroid problems should avoid consumption of cauliflower for this reason. Cooking can help disbanding of these compounds.

Cauliflower contain natural substances called purine. In some individuals who are susceptible to purine problems, excessive intake of these substances can cause health problems.

One cup of boiled cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C (91, 5%), folate (13, 6%) and dietary fiber (13, 4%). Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin B5, vitamin B6, manganese and omega-3 fatty acids. 124 g cauliflower contains 28, 52 calories.

Benefits of Cauliflower

Can highlight the following health benefits that are cauliflower:

- Sulfur-containing substances in fitohranitelni Cauliflower promote liver detoxification

Cruciferous vegetables contain glyukosinolati and thiocyanates (including sulforafan and isothiocyanate). These compounds increase the ability of the liver to neutralize potentially toxic substances.

- New research suggests that cruciferous vegetables help prevent cancer. When these vegetables are cut, chewed or processing sulfur-containing compound called sinigrin comes into contact with the enzyme mirozinaza leading to the release of glucose and breakdown of certain products, including highly reactive compounds called izotiotsianati. Izotiotsianatite lead not only to the detoxification of carcinogens, but one of these compounds alilizotiotsianat also inhibits mitosis (cell division) and stimulates apoptosis (programmed cell death) in human tumor cells.

- Cauliflower optimize detoxification of cells and helps to clear. New research has found that substances in fitohranitelnite Cauliflower, operate on a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal human genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification.

- Cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of prostate cancer;

- Add to cauliflower with turmeric consumption helps improve men's health;

- Cauliflower provide protection against rheumatoid arthritis;

- Adoption of cauliflower leads to benefits for the cardiovascular system.

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