вторник, 20 октомври 2009 г.

How to Grow cherry Tomatoes

How to Grow cherry Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable for home gardeners. No other vegetable comes close to it's popularity. And, it is no wonder, as there is nothing better than a ripe tomato straight out of the garden. Better still, eat one while you are still in your garden. Many tomatoes never makes it past the garden fence.

Growing tomato plants is easy. They produce an abundance of fruit. The best tomato, is one that ripens on the vine. With a wide range of varieties to choose from, there is a tomato plant that's just right for every home gardener.

Did you know? The world record tomato is 7.76 pounds, grown in1986 by Gordan Graham, Edmond OK. What variety did he use? It was "Delicious".

While many people believe that tomato plants originated in Europe, they actually are native to Central America. Explorers who travelled to the New World, found the Aztec Indians growing them. These explorers brought tomatoes back to Europe in the 16th Century. Southern Europe readily accepted them, and they became common in Italian cuisine.

Types of Tomato Varieties:

There are hundreds out tomato varieties to choose from. The varieties of tomatoes can be found in the following groups:

Cherry Tomato-A favorite of kids and adults. These bite-sized tomatoes are easy to grow, ripen early, and are a perfect snack right in the garden. Leave a bowl of cherry tomatoes on your kitchen counter, and they disappear in a hurry. They are used in a variety of ways, including salads, vegetable trays with dip, and shish-ka-bob. After the gardening season, Cherry Tomatoes all but disappear from the marketplace, with those that remain commanding a high price.

Grape Tomato - Small and bite-sized, like it's cousin the Cherry Tomato, these tasty morsels have gone from unknown to t"the rage" in just a few years. Why? These egg-shaped fruit are sweeter and tastier. More on Grape Tomatoes.

Main Crop- These are the mainstay of home gardens. Main crop varieties mature from early to mid-season, are big, round, meaty, and prolific producers.

Plum or Roma- Often called paste tomatoes, they are small and plum or mostly cylindrical in shape, and usually have a pointed bottom. They have far less "juice" than other varieties, and are not as sweet. Plum tomatoes are used to make paste, sauces, canning, and even ketchup.

Beefsteak- Beefsteak tomatoes are the King of the tomato crop. They grow so big that one slice covers an entire sandwich! They also have a big, flavorful taste. Beefsteaks have the longest maturity dates, but are well worth waiting for.

Long Keepers- This variety is small, usually, yellowish orange in color. They can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months. How long you ask? My neighbor showed me his leftovers in June from the prior fall. As he discarded his remaining supply, he culled a few good ones for his evening meal!

Much more on Varieties of Tomatoes

Thought for the Day If life deals you lemons, make lemonade. If it deals you tomatoes, make Bloody Marys.

Starting Tomato Seeds:

Tomato plants are usually started indoors. Planting tomato seeds is an exciting time. It is one of the very first gardening projects of the year. After a long winter, you are itching to get your hands back into some "dirt".

Begin starting tomato seeds indoors in small containers, eight to ten weeks before the last frost date for your area. Sow tomato seeds about 1/8" inch deep, using seed starting soil.

As soon as the seedlings emerge, they need full sunlight to grow sturdy. Lack of sunlight causes the plants to grow "leggy". Use grow lights to supplement the amount of available sunlight.

Tip: To help your plants grow sturdy, place a small fan on low nearby. Or, lightly brush the tops of the plants with your hands a couple times each day.

How to Grow Tomatoes:

Growing tomatoes is easy. It's one reason for their popularity in your home garden. Just prior to planting them in your garden, "harden them off" by bringing them outside during the daytime and for increasing hours, until you are leaving them out overnight. Use of a coldframe is recommended, but not a requirement. If frost is predicted, bring them indoors.

On planting day, pour liberal amounts of water with a soluble liquid fertilizer on them. Plant them in the garden carefully. To minimize transplant shock, avoid disturbing the roots. Normal spacing is 24 " apart, in rows 30" to 36" apart.

Fertilize on a regular basis. Early applications should be high in nitrogen. As blossoming occurs, switch to fertilizers which are higher in Phosphorus and Potassium. Too much Nitrogen fertilizer results in lots of lush green leaves, and little fruit. A fertilizer specifically formulated for tomatoes, will help to maximize your crop. Try Jobes Fertilizer spikes.

Keep your tomato plant well watered. Deep watering is preferable, over more frequent, light watering. You want moisture to go deep to all the roots of the plant. Water directly to the roots. Keep water off the leaves if at all possible. Tomatoes are susceptible to plant disease that grows in wet, humid conditions.

Tip: Even if you have a garden out back, we recommend finding a place along the back of the house for just one tomato plant. This one plant will be the last to succumb to frost in the fall. The warmth of the house, and a light plastic sheet or cloth tossed over it at night, will allow you to harvest fresh tomatoes after the first frost, right when prices are rising in the grocery store.

To maximize your crop, and minimize disease and insect damage, stake or cage tomatoes. They will reward you with more tomatoes. And, they will be cleaner, as they will not be sitting on the soil.

More on staking tomatoes.

Days to Maturity:

Varying types require from 55 days to 85 days (Beefsteaks). The race is always on in my neighborhood to get the first ripe tomato of the season. Most of us also grow and await the beefsteaks. One slice from these delicious beauties more than fills a sandwich.

Cold and hot spells will affect fruit development and growth. Fruit set will not occur below 55 degrees or above 90 degrees Farenheit.

Insects and Pests:

Tomatoes can experience insect problems with cutworms and a few other garden pests. Also, if not staked or caged, snails and slugs will munch on the ripening fruit.

Did you Know? Tomato plants emit a mild toxin that discourages many small insects from bothering them.

Diseases of Tomatoes:

A number of plant problems can arise, usually in mid summer heat and humidity. Blights and fungus infections can occur in the high humidity. Early treatment with fungicides is effective. Spacing plants too close cuts down air circulation and promotes disease.

Blossom end rot can also affect the fruit. This is a round, brown, indented spot on the bottom of the tomato. It is caused by either uneven watering or a lack of calcium in the soil. More on Blossom End Rot.

Tip: Do not water at night if possible in hot and humid weather if possible. Moisture and humidity combined with high temperatures promotes plant diseases. If possible, water at the roots.


Tomatoes like it hot! They will die if exposed to frost. Make sure to plant them after the last frost.

Tip#1: Cover your young seedling if frost is predicted. A simple and easy cover for small seedlings is to buy large or extra large plastic disposable cups. Place them over the seedling at dusk, and remove them in the morning. There is usually little or no wind on nights with frost, so they are not easily tipped over.

Tip#2: If you get a light frost overnight and you did not cover up your plants. Go out early before the sun rises, and spray your plants with the garden hose. This melts the ice off the plants and may save them.

Harvesting and Storing Tomatoes:

Tomatoes store well in a cool, dry location. Do not put them in the refrigerator. While they last longer in the refrigerator, they will lose their flavor and texture. Keep them out of direct sunlight.

Just before frost, pick tomatoes while the are still green or orange. Wash them thoroughly. Rinse in a light solution of 1 gallon of water and a tablespoon of bleach. This kills off bacteria that rots the fruit. Allow them to dry, then put them in a cool, dry, dark place.

To ripen tomatoes indoors, bring a couple at a time to a warm, sunny window.

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